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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VIGI +coconut & ovals 32
VIHARS coconut oil +trees 29
VIRGIN TENDER coconut oil 3
VISADEE coconut oil 29
VISMAYA +coconut 29
VRUKSHA +coconut tree & arc 29
VT coconut hair oil +coconu 3
coconut 3
VVD AYURVEDA coconut oil 3
VVD GOLD pure coconut oil 29
VVD PREMIUM coconut oil 29
VVD gold +coconut 29
WEAVE coconut oil +coconut 3
WEAVE coconut oil +coconut 3
WIN STAR coconut powder 29
YENDELUX coconut oil +mask 29
YO coco +coconut & trees 32
coco king +coconut & bottle 3
coco shine coconut oil 3
coconut oil +coconut 29
coconut oil +tree & coconut 29
disha coconut hair oil +tre 3
natural COCORAJ coconut oil 29
new KAMAL coconut bar 30
nutrine pure coconut oil 3
om shree TMO DT +coconut 34
parachute UTTAM coconut oil 29
premium COCORAJ coconut oil 29
shalimar's coconut oil +tre 29
shalini coconut oil +trees 3
softcare +coconut & tree 3
softcare +coconut & trees 3
sri NIVAS coconut hair oil 3
super shree PHAL +coconut 31
tender coconut +flower 29
tree square & coconut 29
ASTHA +bird & coconuts 3
CAMY NUTTY BUTTY +coconuts 30
CHAOKOH +coconuts 29
COCO MIST +coconuts & tree 31
COCO RICH +tree & coconuts 3
COCO SHAHIN +coconuts & tre 29
COCO TOUCH +coconuts & drop 29, 30, 32
COCODEEP SOI +coconuts 4
COCOFAST +coconuts 7
COCONUT +coconuts 18
coconuts 29
DHO NARIAL brand +coconuts 24
FAMILY-GOLD +coconuts 29
G.K. BHEESHMA +coconuts 31
GINNI GOLD +coconuts & tree 29
INDU +tree & coconuts 29
JAYA coconut oil +coconuts 3, 29
KAMANI +coconuts 29
KAMANI +tree & coconuts 3
KERA GOLD +coconuts 29
KOKO nariyal pani +coconuts 32
coconuts 30
LIO coconut oil +coconuts 29
M.R.P. brand MRP +coconuts 29
MEDIKER +woman & coconuts 5
MOJOCO +coconuts & splash 32
coconuts 3
NIKHAR +tree coconuts & dro 3
PAIGAM +tree & coconuts 3
PUSH +coconuts 32
ROJA +coconuts & feather 3
ROJA coconut oil +coconuts 29
SAMPRE COCO FIZZ +coconuts 30
SATYA COCONUT +coconuts 3
SUBICSHA +tree & coconuts 29
THANJAI COCO +coconuts 29
TOFFIES COCONUT +coconuts 30
UNIQ PURECOCO +coconuts 29
VSA +coconuts & tree 30
camy NUTTY BUTTY +coconuts 30
coco express +coconuts 32
super THONARIAL 2 +coconuts 34
coctail 32
ECO VALLEY coctail mushroom 29
GALLA thick mango coctail 43
MY WORLD-E +coctail glass 35
coctail 43
SEACOD cod liver oil SANOFI 5
SEANIC cod liver oil 5
CZ natural wear code zero 25
D dress code 25
IS IT REAL +qr code squares 42
RAMCO common code help 16
dress code +circles 25
g code 9
MIT'S linctus codeinae co 5
B2E coder +flower 41
bar codes 16, 38, 40
NKOYO codliver 5
SANSKAR coeducational schoo 16
LABO cof 5
NAM-cof 5
NPR X-cof 5
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